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Pora na dachu — a store of products for garden

A store of products for garden. The store designed to work with both individuals and companies. In addition to the standard shop functionality (catalogue, cart, articles, information pages), there is functionality for working with estimates.
My role
I didn't be involved in the development directly. I led the development of the frontend part (the server part was developed by a contracting company) and administrated the server.
Period of my work on the project
February 2022 — The current time
There are 7 screenshots of the product at the time I was working on it. Click a screenshot to see the full-size version.
[1/7] Main page
[2/7] Catalogue
[3/7] Product page
[4/7] Ordering
[5/7] Working with estimates
[6/7] List of articles
[7/7] Article page